Hi, hello, thanks for being here!
I’m not great at following through on new years resolutions, but I mean, who is? Amiright?! So hopefully by making this public we can hold each other accountable to stick with it.
I’ve heard that writing daily in a gratitude journal can be super beneficial for your mental & physical health (some science behind it), and I don’t know about you but between omicron and this Canadian winter weather, I could use a little boost. That said, the idea of starting a new habit that I have to remember to do every single day is daunting to say the least, so, I’m going to start with a more manageable goal of once a week.
Below is a list of writing prompts I intend to choose from over the next year. If you’d like to join me or read my responses, be sure to subscribe to my email list HERE to find out which writing prompt is chosen week to week. If you decide to share your responses on social media, please tag me! Because I’m really curious to hear your answers to these questions too :)
Who is someone that taught you about unconditional love?
What is something good that happened today?
What are your 3 best personality traits?
What is an aspect of your upbringing that you’re grateful for?
What are 3 things you’re currently doing well?
When was the last time you did something nice for someone & what did you do?
Who is a family member or close friend you’re grateful for?
What is something you’re happy to have let go of?
When was the last time you felt truly happy?
What is something that causes you stress and what 3 things can you do to change it?
In what ways is your life is better now than it was at your lowest point?
Send someone a thank you card (or email, or text).
When was the last time you performed an act of kindness?
What is a quality you admire in someone else and how can you incorporate that quality into your own life.
What is something that always puts a smile on your face?
Describe a beautiful place you’ve visited.
What is an accomplishment you’re proud of?
What is something you own that makes your life easier?
What is an event that has strengthened your character?
What is something you love about your home?
What is something you love about your neighborhood?
What is something you love about your city?
What do you enjoy most about being in nature?
What do you love about your job?
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
When was the last time someone went out of their way to help you?
When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone?
When was the last time you felt lucky?
What is something you’re really good at cooking?
What is an aspect of your physical appearance that you love?
What is an aspect of your health that you’re grateful for?
What is a talent you have that you’re grateful for?
What is your happiest childhood memory?
What is a song that makes you smile?
What is a hobby that brings you joy?
What family tradition are you grateful for?
Describe your favourite smell.
Describe your favourite taste.
Describe your favourite view.
Describe your favourite sensation.
What is your favourite self care practice?
Who is someone you’ve never met but who has helped you in some way?
What is the last book you read or show you’ve watched and loved?
What is your favourite part about being single/being in a relationship?
When was the last time you did something spontaneous?
What is something you’re looking forward to?
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
What is something you want to do; what’s standing in your way of doing that thing; and how can you overcome it?
What is a favourite quote or piece of advice that you often give to others?
When was the last time you did something that scared you?
What is something that recently restored your faith in humanity?
What is a freedom you’re grateful for?